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Netzwerk EBR-EWC-CEE-ERZ-Lohr 2008 - CRIMIC Home

EWC Team at IG Metall Headquarters

phone + 4969 6693 2501

C R I M I C 2008

Corporate Restructuring and Innovative Management of Information and Consultation
Strengthening the ability of EWCs to develop common positions and strategies
35 EWC members from 7 EWCs, 7 trade unions + EMF, 8 countries, 5 languages, 8 interpreters, 1 technician, 5 trainers, the staff of the Lohr training center: this was the international EWC Workshop of IG Metall in February 2008 in Lohr, Germany.
The Project received the financial support of the EU Commission.
....Dear Workshop participants,
we had an "accident" on this website. It is now under reconstruction. But due to other current issues such as new EWC Directive and the economic crisis this will need some time. Be patient.... In case you need something in the meentime just send us an e-mail.
the EWC team @ ig metall

You can join IG Metall´s "EBR-Netz", a password protected network for EWCs. It is mostly in German but some materials are available in other languages, too. Click here to register.

EWC members of IG Metall find many useful things in the Extranet of IG Metall: Extranet > Aktive > Eurobetriebsräte.