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Bildung International - Q2m-Workshop Dublin

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Workshop A - "Range of topics and categories of a transnational union education"

29.-30. March 2012, in Dublin

Venue: Services Industrial Professional Trade Union (SIPTU)

Liberty Hall 1
Co. Dublin


1st day: Thursday, 29.03.2012
10:00 a.m. – 11.00 a.m. Welcome
by Ron Kelly, IDEAS

Meeting agenda and organisational matters
Presentation by Tom Kehrbaum, IG Metall
11.00 a.m. – 12.30 p.m. Comparison of our union education systems
Presentation of the synopsis by Martin Roggenkamp;
Discussion about the categories and aspects;
Presentation of their own characteristics by all partners
12.30 p.m. – 01.30 p.m. Lunch
01.30 p.m. – 03.00 p.m. Short insights: The concept of European identity
Presentation by Arne Schneider, IG Metall

The concept of Active Citizenship in Europe and the question: Why do we need a transnational understanding of union education in Europe?
Presentation and Discussion, Tom Kehrbaum, IG Metall
03.15 p.m. – 04.15 p.m. Work groups
Transnational understanding of union education
What does it means for our own union education and the aspects and caqtegories?
Work group in different languages
04.30 p.m. – 05.30 p.m. Work group report to the plenum
Discussion about common aspects of union education with an European transnational perspective
06:00 p.m. Dinner
2nd day: Friday, 30.03.2012
09.00 a.m. – 10.30 a.m. Start in the day
Continuation of the discussion about the transnational concept of union education;
First contents of the memorandum
11.00 a.m. – 12.00 a.m. Discussion and Agreements for tasks to be performed
Elaboration of the essentials of a common resolution;

Moderation by Tom Kehrbaum, IG Metall
12.00 a.m. – 01.00 p.m. Project Management
Presentation by Clemens Körte and Veronika Ostrogonac (bfw)
1:00 p.m. Lunch and departure