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Bildung International - N2Q-Workshop Berlin

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Workshop for EWC–Members, EWC-Officers and EWC-Trainers:
"Technological change and innovation in energy and green technology as a topic of EWC"

08.-11.05.2012, in Berlin

Venue: IG Metall Education Centre

Am Pichelssee 30
13595 Berlin

Phone: +49 (0) 30 362 04 - 0


The nuclear disaster in Fukushima demonstrated the need to develop and implement alternative energy technologies. The promotion of this technological change deserves a common approach in the context of Europe-wide cross-sectoral and cross-company processes of innovation.

Technological innovations that foster the use of renewable energy resources must be based on the interaction between power plant operators, companies of the solar and wind energy sector and their suppliers, network providers, storage technologies as well as technologies of mobility and building.

The common organization of these innovations offers new possibilities of employment. Innovation-based company strategies are a counter concept to the competition for low cost production and cheap production sites. Strategies of innovation build up on cooperation and a high level of the employee’s qualification. They put the emphasis on a sustainable development of companies instead of reallocation strategies. Moreover, technological innovation gives the chance to improve conditions of living and environment.

And especially in in the European financial and economic crisis new and sustainable technologies can provide important impetus for a positive economic development.
  • What does this mean for individual companies?
  • How can this technological change be shaped in an anticipative way?
  • How do companies cooperate with politicians and scientists in this context?
  • How do companies organise cross-company and transnational processes of innovation?
  • Which role can play the participation and interest representation of European Works Councils in these processes?
  The workshop will combine people with a different background like European works councils, project partners from trrade unions and training providers, trainers and experts.