Country visits and exchange of information
In order to learn more about the situation of the agricultural machinery sector and get known to employee representatives from metalworkers unions and individual companies in Central and Eastern Europe, partners of the EU network have been visiting Budapest and Kattowice in 2008.
In February 2008 two member of the network visited the Hungarian Metalworkers Union VASAS and attended a meeting with company representatives from Linamar, Rekard as well as other companies in the sector. At the meeting the EU employee network was presented and the economic situation as well working conditions in the Hungarian agricultural machinery sector was discussed.
In early September 2008 two members of the network and employee representatives of the German Lemken company as well as an Austrian representative of CNH visited the Polish Metalworkers Trade Union NSZZ Solidarność in Katowice and met colleagues from the trade union and company representatives of CNH in Plock and the Polish tractor producer Ursus from Warsaw.

Meeting at the NSZZ Solidarnosc Metalworkers Union in Katowice in September 2008