1. Transnational Workshop of the European Employee Network Agricultural Machinery in Madrid
3 - 4 December 2009

Workshop participants
On December 3 and 4 2009, trade union and employee representatives met for the 1. Transnational Workshop of the EU Agri-Tech Network in Madrid. This workshop was dedicated to the topic "crisis, restructuring and possible solutions - what employee representatives suggest" and brough together 26 project partners from 6 European countries: Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy and Spain.
The workshop was hosted by the Spanish trade unions Federacion Minerometalurgica de CC.OO and MCA-UGT and began with a visit of the production site of John Deere Iberica in Getafe.
On the first day, the trade union representatives from CGT FO Metaux, FIOM CGIL, CSC Metál, ABVV-Metaal, IG Metall, gmtn and Pro-Ge exchanged information in a round table discussion on the topic: Agricultural machinery in the context of the global crisis: current situation and outlook from the perspective of trade unions.
Another round table took place on the second day, when employee representatives from Claas in Germany, CNH in Austria, John Deere in Germany and Spain were asked to share their experiences on "Effects of the crisis at company level".
The 1. Transnational Workshop ended with a summary of the workshops results, a presentation of Joachim Stoeber (IG Metall) on "Beyond the crisis: challenges for the sector & trade union action points" and an outlook on upcoming activities of the project.