International Workshop of the Agri-Tech Employee Network in Vienna,
16 April 2008

Participants in Vienna

Project Coordinator Mr. Wolfgang Nettelstroth (IG Metal) and Mrs. Yolanda Morin (FM de CC.OO. Spain)
On 16 April 2008, the Austrian metalworkers gmtn hosted the first international workshop of the EU Employee Network in the Agricultural Engineering Sector.
Representatives of metalworkers unions as well as company representatives from Austria, Germany, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Spain attended the workshop and discussed the situation of the agricultural sector in the respective countries from the employee point of view.
Opened by Rudolf Nürnberger, honorary chairman of the gmtn and chairman of the mechanical engineering committee of the International Metalworkers Federation, the participants discussed national reports presented by gmtn, IG Metall, OS Kovo, VASAS, MCA-UGT and FM de CC.OO.
The project coordinator Wolfgang Nettelstroth from the IG Metall North Rhine Westphalia summarized the workshop as an important step towards transnational networking and cooperation between trade unionists and company representatives in Europe.